To answer the question posed earlier, the value for the anchoring moment in the foundation slab was set as a function of the anchorage depth for a ϕ 20 mm rebar in accordance with [18,34]. In the calculations, the two most significant failure mechanisms were considered: concrete cone failure and combined pull-out of the rebar with concrete cone failure. The results of the calculations are presented in the form of a graph in Figure 15. Analysis of the calculation results in relation to the value of the calculated anchorage moments, which were measured during the leak test, indicates that there was no possibility of achieving a complete anchorage of the wall in a slab which is 50 cm thick. For the anchorage depth adopted in the project design (25 cm), the maximum possible anchorage moment, taking into account a favourable impact of the compression force from the self-weight of the wall (NEd = 24 kN/m3 0.40 m 5.00 m 1.00 m 1.15 = 55 kN) amounts to 75 kNm. On the other hand, the calculated anchorage moment for the wall in the foundation plate obtained from the static calculations (Figure 13) amounts to 189 kNm, which is equivalent to loading in the order of 255%. It should be noted that the maximum anchorage length of rebars according to [18] is 20d, which makes it impossible to achieve the required bending resistance MRd. The key to solving this problem is to use deep anchorage and check the connection with the strut and Tie (S-T) method for reinforced concrete structures. The second important criterion is sufficient bearing capacity of the foundation slab due to bending and cracking. In the case under consideration, the bearing capacity of the foundation slab is twice as low.
Based on a determination of the external forces in this way, the required strengthening of the pilasters was determined and the serviceability limit state (SLS) and ultimate limit state (ULS) were verified for the wall with the assumption that cracks would be no larger than 0.20 mm.
sofistik 2012 crack
The last stage of the calculations was aimed at verifying the foundation slab in relation to reactions transferred by the base of the ribs to the underlying substrate. A corrected numerical model, based on the previous one, was developed for this purpose. The numerical model was extended to include the existing tank in order to approximate as closely as possible the existing field conditions, for instance: the Winkler model of the soil, the elastic half-space model, and the non-linear behaviour of cracked concrete. Meeting this goal required using the rigid linear connections to take into account the connections at the interface between the bottom of the rib base and the existing foundation slab. A sketch of the most important elements of the numerical model is presented in Figure 20, whereas the calculated values of the flexural moments in the foundation slab are presented in Figure 21.
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Fig. 5: Comparison of numerically obtained crack patterns at peak load for conventionally reinforced concrete tunnel tubing (left) and fibre reinforced concrete tunnel tubing (right). In the FRC structure, the maximum crack width is significantly reduced.
NOVÁK, D., FEKETE, L., PUKL, R., Statistical Analysis of Crack Widths by Virtual Modelling of Reinforced Concrete Beams, Proc. SSCS 2012, Aix-en-Provence, France, 29. 05. - 01. 06. 2012, pp. 75 - 76
NOVÁK, D., PUKL, R., Reliable/reliability Computing for Concrete Structures: Metodology and Software Tools, Proc. REC 2012, Brno, Czech Republic, 13. - 15. 06. 2012, ISBN 978-80-214-4507-9, pp. 427 - 437
NOVÁK, D., PUKL, R., Simulation of Random Behavior of Engineering Structures: From Parameters Identification to Reliability Assessment, Proc. IALCCE 2012, 03. - 06. 10. 2012, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 978-0-415-62126-7, pp. 446 2ff7e9595c